Strengthening Global Capacity To Sustain Transboundary Waters: The International Waters Learning Exchange and Resource Network (IW:LEARN) Operational Phase (Concept Paper with Annexes)
This Project aims to strengthen the management of International Waters by facilitating information sharing and learning among Transboundary Waters Management (TWM) constituencies. IW:LEARN Operational Phase Project Purpose In pursuit of its global objective, IW:LEARN will improve GEF IW projects’ information base, replication efficiency, transparency, stakeholder ownership and sustainability of benefits through: A. Facilitation of access to information on transboundary water resources among GEF IW projects B. Structured learning among GEF IW projects and cooperating partners C. Biennial International Waters Conferences D. Testing innovative approaches to strengthen implementation of the IW portfolio E. Fostering partnerships to sustain benefits of IW:LEARN and associated technical support