Documentation from IW:LEARN and GEF International Waters Project Managers Meeting
Copies of the documents and powerpoint presentations included in and IW-LEARN/GEF-IW Project Managers' meeting held during the 4th Inter-American Water Resources Dialogue. (1) GEF-IW-LAC Project Managers' Forum Report to the Fourth Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management (2) EL HIDROSCOPIO: Un método participativo para desarrollar la Democracia del Agua. (The hydroscope: A participatory approach to develop Water Democracy. ) (3) Frente Maritimo Comments (4) Reuinion de Gerentes del GEF (5) GEF Project Managers Meeting/ IW-Learn Grp 1 (6)Continuidad y Viabilidad de los Proyectos Incluyendo su Financiación:Grupo # 2 (7) Marco Institucional: Grupo # 5 (8) Problema Identificado: Búsqueda de equilibrio entre los intereses y prioridades de las comunidades locales beneficiarias, resultados del proceso técnico-científico, y autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales relacionadas con el proyecto.: Grupo #8 (9) Issue Raised by Participants (10) GEF-IW Project Managers Meeting: Dialogue IV (11) Información General del Proyecto Cuenca del Río San Juan (11) Major Issues Identified by GEF-IW Project Managers (12) Notes from Plenary: GEF Project Managers (13) Plenary Issues 0902
532: Strengthening Capacity for Global Knowledge-Sharing in International Waters (IW:LEARN)
Documentation from IW:LEARN and GEF International Waters Project Managers