Lake Tanganyika: Experience and Lessons Learned Brief (Lake Basin Management Initiative). 2005. (574 KB)
Lake Tanganyika has the largest volume of the three African Great Rift Valley lakes. It also is the second deepest, and the second largest lake in the world by volume, containing almost 19,000 km3 of water—only Lake Baikal is larger. The lake contains almost as much freshwater as the five North American Great Lakes combined. It contains a volume of water seven times more than that of Lake Victoria, which is the largest lake by area in Africa. It has a length of more than 670 km and an average width of 48 km. The length of the shoreline is about 1,900 km, of which 43% is rocky, 21% is mixed rock and sand, 31% is sand, and 10% is marshes. Main_LBMI_report-- Original_LBMI_website--