Lake Xingkai/Khanka - Experience and Lessons Learned Brief (Lake Basin Management Initiative). 2005. (655 KB)
Lake Xingkai/Khanka, a transboundary lake shared by the People’s Republic of China (China) and the Russian Federation (Russia), is the largest freshwater lake in Northeast Asia. The lake supports high biodiversity (especially migratory birds) and is characterized by complex hydrology and naturally-occurring high turbidity, as well as a fragmented institutional authority responsible for its management. The lake experiences large seasonal and annual fluctuations in size, with the maximum and minimum area, depth and volume being 4,510 km2, 3,940 km2, 10.6 m and 22.6 km3, respectively. The lake is called Lake Xingkai in China and Khanka Lake in Russia; it will be referred to here as Lake Xingkai/Khanka to highlight its transboundary nature, with no preference implicit in the order of the names. Main_LBMI_report-- Original_LBMI_website--