Managing Lakes and their Basins for Sustainable Use, a Report for Lake Basin Managers and Stakeholders. 2005. (5.4 MB)
This report is the main output of a Medium-Sized Project supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) known formally as Towards a Lake Basin Management Initiative: Sharing Lessons and Experiences from GEF and Non-GEF Lake Basin Management Projects. The project was conceived after the Second World Water Forum in The Hague in 2000 and launched at the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto in March 2003. This report was launched in October 2005 at the 11th World Lake Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, and also disseminated at the 9th Meeting of the Ramsar Convention in Kampala, Uganda in November 2005. Detailed experience and lessons learned briefs on 28 lake basins are available on the companion CD-ROM. All project materials, including 17 thematic papers, are available at These final outputs will be launched at the Fourth World Water Forum in Mexico in March 2006. Please cite this report as: ILEC. 2005. Managing Lakes and their Basins for Sustainable Use: A Report for Lake Basin Managers and Stakeholders. International Lake Environment Committee Foundation: Kusatsu, Japan. Original_LBMI_website--