South China Sea Project Document for Thailands Trat Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site
The Trat mangrove forest is located in the easternmost area of Thailand where the coastline is inundated by diurnal tides. All the mangrove areas here are tidal flats showing no mud lobster (Thalassina anomala Herbst.) mounds. There are 5 species associations in the forest: Avicennia- Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Ceriops, and umnitera-Excoecaria-Xylocarpus, which together consist of 20 genera and 33 true mangrove species and 36 associate mangrove species (Tables 1 and 2 of Annex 1). Important mangrove species found in the forest include large-leaved mangroves (Rhizophora mucronata), small-leaved mangroves (R. apiculata), Ceriops decandra, C. tagal, Bruguiera sexangula, B. parviflora, Xylocarpus spp .and Lumnitzera spp. 32 species of crustacean are recorded from mangrove habitats in this province together with 55 species of fish.
885: Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand (SCS)
South China Sea Project Document for Thailands Trat Mangrove Habitat Demonstration Site.pdf