Anatolia Environment Assessment and Management Framework
A regional environmental assessment (REA) was undertaken for the Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitationi Project, wlhose aim is to assess tile milicIo anid milacIo enIviionimleIntal Impacts of tile varlioLs componlents of tile proposed project. The project wx'ill cover 60 micr-o-catclhnilcilts of five principal xvaterslhecis ill tllirteenl provinlces of tile Anatolil area in ceintral Turktey. Tlhe total area of tllese milcro-catclhmiiellts is about 535,000 h1a, buLt project intervenitionis will be confined to approximately 154,000 ha. The principal ri\vers of tlhese five waterslheds are the Seyhani, Ceyharn and Goksu flowving illtO tile Mediterraneani and the Kizilirmak aild Yesilirmlak flowving iito the Black Sea.
Anatolia Environment Assessment and Management Framework.pdf