International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Information about the Project Sites in Indonesia

by Marcello Veiga, PhD Small-scale Mining Expert. This document is extracted from the back-to-office-mission reports and brings information for the sub-contractor that will conduct the Environmental and Health Assessment (E&HA) in Indonesia. The following sites were visited on March and April 2003:· Gelangan Mine Site in Central Kalimatan (chosen for the E&HA) · Kahayan River in Central Kalimatan · Talawaan in North Sulawesi (chosen for the E&HA) · Lanut in North Sulawesi The description of other visited mining sites were also included in this report as the methods of mining and mineral processing are similar to those used in the places chosen for the Environmental and Health Assessment within the Global Mercury Project.

1223: Removal of Barriers to the Introduction of Cleaner Artisanal Mining and Extraction Technologies

07 May 2010


Information about the Project Sites in Indonesia.pdf