International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles

Economic growth in most of the world has been vigorous, especially in the so-called newly industrialising countries. Nearly all new development activity creates stress on the "pollution carrying capacity" of the environment. Many hydrological systems in developing regions are, or are getting close to, being stressed beyond repair. Industrial pollution, uncontrolled domestic discharges from urban areas, diffuse pollution from agriculture and livestock rearing, and various alterations in land use or hydroinfrastructure may all contribute to non-sustainable use of water resources, eventually leading to negative impacts on the economic development of many countries or even continents.

3181: Pollution Reduction through Improved Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities in ACP Countries with a Focus on SIDS

10 Mar 2010


A Guide to the Use of Water Quality Management Principles.pdf
