International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

[WIOSAP] Environmental Flows for Enhanced Biodiversity and Poverty Alleviation in the Incomati Delta, Mozambique (EFlows-Moz)

The purpose (overall objective) of the project is to design environmental flows that would maintain and enhance biodiversity values and the functioning of the estuarine and deltaic ecosystems of the Lower Incomati in order to optimise the delivery of a number of key ecosystem services to a range of stakeholders and with the well-being of vulnerable user groups a priority. The project is seen as an implementation and testing of the EFA guidelines, and their adaptation to the Mozambican context. Hence, the experiences and results will allow Mozambique to contribute with ideas and proposals for further development of typical methodologies for eflows implementation by the WIO countries. It will also contribute to fostering of multidisciplinary team working to interface natural and social sciences.

4940: Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the Protection of the Western Indian Ocean from Land-based Sources and Activities

29 Aug 2020

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[WIOSAP] Environmental Flows for Enhanced Biodiversity and Poverty Alleviation in the Incomati Delta, Mozambique (EFlows-Moz).pdf