Gender-Disaggregated Data on Water and Sanitation
Gender considerations are at the heart of providing, managing and conserving the world’s water resources as well as for safeguarding public health and private dignity through proper provision of sanitation and hygiene. The central role of women in water resource management and sanitation, especially in developing countries, is increasingly recognized at all levels of development activity. At the level of policy formation, there is no shortage of rhetorical support for gender inclusion by official agencies and governments. However, this has not produced tangible improvements in gender equity in the water and sanitation sectors. This lack of progress is due in part to the stark absence of gender disaggregated WATSAN data. Without gender-disaggregated data, it is not possible to fully measure progress towards MDG or other goals. Against this background of pressing data needs, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) and the UNWater Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) convened an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) in December 2008 with several goals detailed in this report. (Published on March 2009)
Gender-Disaggregated Data on Water and Sanitation.pdf