Policy on Gender Equality
The need to update GEF’s Policy on Gender Mainstreaming further reflects increased attention to gender by the conferences of the parties to the multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) that the GEF serves, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals that call for gender-responsive approaches and actions. This underscores the GEF’s ambition to better seize the strategic opportunities to address gender inequality and support women’s empowerment where these can help achieve global environmental benefits. Targeting gender gaps in areas such as access to and control over natural resources, access to benefits and services, and participation and decision-making could, for example, help unleash women’s potential as key agents of change in support of GEF’s work and mandate. In response to the above decisions, this paper presents a proposed, new Policy on Gender Equality (Annex I) that supersedes the 2011 Policy on Gender Mainstreaming. The following sections provide further details on the background and rationale for the proposed policy, the principal changes from the current, 2011 Policy on Gender Mainstreaming, as well as considerations on implementation and next steps. (Published on 24 Mar 2020)