International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment in the Northern & Eastern Coast of Sabah: Turtle Islands Park and Tun Mustapha Park

The aims of this study are: • To profile the coastal areas of Marudu Bay (Tun Mustapha Park) and Turtle Islands • To develop climate change scenarios (surface temperature and total precipitation) for Tun Mustapha Park (Marudu Bay) and Turtle Island Park • To develop sea level rise scenarios under climate change scenarios for Tun Mustapha Park (Marudu Bay) and Turtle Island Park • To assess coastal vulnerability under changing climate scenarios for Tun Mustapha Park and Turtle Island Marine Park • To develop Local Early Action Plan (LEAP) for selected areas in response to climate change • To provide climate change adaptation strategy options for Tun Mustapha Park and Turtle Island Park • To investigate the impact of climate change on turtle nesting area in Turtle Island Park and to recommend adaptation measures • To investigate the impact of climate change on turtle sex ratio in Turtle Island Park and to recommend adaptation measures

3589: Coastal and Marine Resources Management in the Coral Triangle-Southeast Asia (CTI-SEA)

09 Dec 2017


Climate Change