IW:LEARN Steering Committee Materials
IW:LEARN4 and LME:LEARN Inception Workshop: 15-16 March 2016 (IWC8 Meeting on 17 Mar)
Partners of the coming IW:LEARN3 are requested to use our private workspace at community.iwlearn.net during project preparation.
Joint Inception Workshop Agenda
Meeting List of Participants
1. LME:LEARN Project Document (including PCU terms of reference, results framework)
2. IW:LEARN4 Project Document (including PCU terms of reference, results framework)
3. LME:LEARN Annual Work Plan (First-year detailed work-plan & budget)
4. IW:LEARN4 Annual Work Plan (First-year detailed work-plan & budget) - as of 14 MAR, subject to modification
5. LME:LEARN Co-finance table (including specific pledges for year-one)
6. IW:LEARN4 Co-finance table (including specific pledges for year-one)
7. LME:LEARN working group terms of reference ([ecosystem-based], [governance], [data and information management])
8. LME:LEARN regional networks [Terms of reference], [Chairperson ToR]
9. Joint project steering committee terms of reference
Contracting Modalities
a. Global UN Inter-agency Agreement
b. Implementation Partner Agreement
c. Selection Form
IW:LEARN3 PPG Phase Inception Workshop
Partners of the coming IW:LEARN3 are requested to use our private workspace at community.iwlearn.net during project preparation.
IW:LEARN 3 PPG Inception Workshop Agenda
Meeting List of Participants
Meeting Powerpoint - Including Summary of Indicative Activities Below (DRAFT)
IWL3 Activity Concept Notes from Executing Partners
Please note that all files below are in a draft state and are to be considered thus non-binding
UNDP Cap-Net
Support to MENARID Integrated Land/Water Management (1a)
Regional Communities of Practice & Learning Exchanges (1b)
Mediterranean Regional Dialogue(s) (1c)
TDA-SAP Course (5a)
Focal Area/Project Manager Manual (5b)
Portfolio Results Dissemination (5c)
Global Groundwater Community of Practice & Dialogue with non-GEF Interventions & Dissemination of Groundwater Knowledge (2a, 2c, 2e)
Global Freshwater Community of Practice/Learning Exchanges (2a)
Global CoP Integrated Activities (and Large Marine Ecosystems) (2b)
Cooperative Approach and Dialogue with Parliamentarians (2d)
6th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference (3a,b,c)
IW:LEARN (and project) Participation at Global Fora and Other Events (3d)
International Waters Resource Center/re (4a)
Technical Assistance and UN-Water Family Platforms (4b)
Portfolio Visualization Tools (4c)
Portfolio Subgroup Workspaces (4d)
Project Experience and Results Catalogue (4e)
Index-Insurance Activity (6a)
Private Public Partnership Activity (6b)
Climate Change Activity (6c)
Online Stakeholder Forum Pilot (6d)
Final Mid-Term Evaluation (v. 2007-02-01) and SC Direction for UNOPS-IW:LEARN (v. 2007-02-12)
GEF IW:LEARN Operational Phase Project Design Documents
Full Size Project Documents: UNDP - [Acrobat - 779KB] and UNEP - [Acrobat - 610KB]
Letters of Commitment - Cofinancing - [Acrobat - 1.8MB]
FSP Executive Summary - [Acrobat - 783KB]
Project Concept Paper - [Acrobat - 2.1Mb]
GEF IW:LEARN Reference Documents
- Budgets: - UNDP Budget Revision 2 and UNEP (Original Budget)
- IW:LEARN Project Calendar (present to end of project) for Project Coordination Team (PCT)
- IW:LEARN PCT Organizational Chart
- IW:LEARN PCT Contacts List
- List of Trainees
- IW-IMS Usage Statistics 2006
International Waters Task Force Materials
2006 UNDP APPRT Reports
Steering Committee Meeting Materials (Archives)
Link to Previous steering committee inputs, action items and minutes
Link to Steering Committee Mailing List Archives (2007), Note you may use the same login as for this site
UNEP Steering Committee Meeting - 17 June 2009 (teleconference 6am EST, 1pm GMT-3)
2. IW:LEARN Sustainability Plan
3. UNEP/GEF IW:LEARN Combined Quarterly Progress Report (Q1Q2/2009)
4. UNEP/GEF IW:LEARN Outputs Tables (Year to Date 2009)
5. UNDP/GEF 2008Q4 Quarterly Progress Report, 2008 PIR, Experience Note Tracker, Learning Exchange Page (Climate Change Mainstreaming Exchange Report)
6. UNEP/GEF IW:LEARN Workplan Q3Q4 2009
8. Previous budget (submitted to SC July08)
9. IW:LEARN Website Guidelines (Draft0)
11. IWC5 planning and website
13. New IW:LEARN Website Presentation
SC ACTION ITEMS (meeting minutes)
UNEP Steering Committee Meeting - 16 July 2008 (Face to Face) - Action Items
1. Provisional Agenda
2. IW:LEARN Sustainability Plan (Draft!/Not Yet Endorsed or Finalized)
3. Revised Budget showing allocation for Terminal Evaluation (Draft)
4. Trainee Roster and Trainee Analytical Breakdown
5. Experience Note Tracker
6. UNEP GEF IW:LEARN Quarterly Progress Report (Q2/2008)
7. UNEP IW:LEARN Q3 and Q4 Targets
8. IW:LEARN Website Information Access and Progress Implementation: Website Review Recommendations.
9. UNDP-UNOPS IW:LEARN Combined 2008 Q1 and Q2 Quarterly Progress Report