International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Component B: Learning

Component B: Learning
Component B: Structured Learning 
Subactivity: B1.1: Caribbean Inter-linkages Dialog 
Activity B1: Regional Multi-Project Learning Exchange Activities 
Subactivity: B1.2: African Learning: Exchange across freshwater and marine GEF IW projects and partners in Africa (in cooperation with ANBO, ACWA, NEPAD and/or African Regional Seas Secretariats). 
Subactivity: B1.3 Europe Learning: Exchange among IW projects across Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Central Asia 
Activity B2: Learning for Portfolio Subsets 
Subactivity B2.1.1 Aquifer Learning Exchange 
Subactivity: B2.1.2 River Learning Exchange 
Author(s): Teplyakov, Victor ; Grigoriev, A. Dyson, Megan, ed. ; Bergkamp, Ger, ed. ; Scanlon, John, ed. ; IUCN, Water and Nature Initiative Published: 2003 Series: WANI Toolkit ISBN: 2-8317-0725-0
Subactivity: B2.1.3 Lake Learning Exchange 
Subactivity B2.2: Exchanges among Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) projects 
Subactivity B2.3: Exchanges among Coral Reef projects (with WorldFish Center) 
Activity B4: Public Participation Training 
Provide face-to-face and virtual training to enhance public participation in Transboundary Waters Management.
Project Twinning Exchange Missions 
Facilitated twinning exercises and multi-day/week interactions among GEF IW projects and learning exchange partners address specific, pragmatic IW management challenges. Whether multi-project workshops or single-project study tours, exchanges promote peer learning and South-to-South cooperation, and often produce Experience Notes or other outputs that are of value to other IW projects.
Workshop on the Sustainability of Large Marine Ecosystems (LME):Bridging the Governance and Socioeconomic Gap 
Applying socioeconomics and governance to support Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs) mangement.