IW:LEARN Operational Phase Activities (2004-2008)
Products and Services
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A. INFORMATION SHARING: Facilitating access to information about transboundary water resources among GEF International Waters projects. Activities include the IW:LEARN Information Management System at www.iwlearn.net and ICT technical assistance trainings offered both in face-to-face workshops and through distance learning.
B. LEARNING: Structured learning among GEF International Waters projects and cooperating partners. Activities include Regional Multi-Project Exchanges and Inter-Project Exchange Missions, Portfolio Subset learning opportunities (lake, aquifers, river basins, large marine ecosystems, coral reefs), and training in Public Participation activities.
C. DIALOG: Organizing biennial International Waters Conferences. To date, these have included the 1st International Waters Conference (Budapest, Hungary, 2000), the 2nd International Waters Conference (Dalian, China, 2002), the 3rd International Waters Conference (Salvador do Bahia, Brazil, 2005) and the 4th IWC in Cape Town, South Africa in 2007 (Cape Town, South Africa).
D. INNOVATION: Testing innovative approaches to strengthen implementation of the IW portfolio. Project partners include South-East Asia Regional Learning Centre and the Transboundary Waters Information Exchange Network for South-Eastern Europe.
E. PARTNERSHIP: Fostering partnerships to sustain benefits of IW:LEARN and associated technical support. Contributions to sustain advances in global transboundary water management include film productions, outreach to media, co-sponsorship of GEF International Waters projects in international events and conference, and efforts to integrate gender and water issues.