International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

DELTAmerica Project: Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to Desseminate Lessons Learned and Experiences in Integrated Transboundary Water Resource Management in Latin America and the Caribbean

Objectives: Share experiences and lessons learned from GEF- International Waters (GEF-IW) projects in LAC. Enhance sharing of critical w.r. management knowledge, experiences, and best practices among water management organisations and river basin authorities, via the Internet as well as through other media. Strengthen collaboration amongst riparian countries leading to improved water resources management policies. Strengthen Inter-American Water Resources Network. Strengthened civil society participation in water resources management projects.

29 Feb 2012

DELTAmerica Project: Development and Implementation of Mechanisms to Desseminate Lessons Learned and Experiences in Integrated Transboundary Water Resource Management in Latin America and the Caribbean.ppt
