International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Fish in Prespa

12 Jun 2012 | by
This is the first-ever publication in the region illustrating all different species of fish living in the Prespa Lakes. It offers practical information on what the local population, the scientific community and the decision makers could do to ensure the long-term survival of the lakes’ most endangered fish. This publication was produced with technical support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), within the Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Prespa Lakes Basin project.

prespa.jpgThe beautiful Macro Prespa and Micro Prespa lakes are amongst the oldest freshwater lakes in the world. Originating from dramatic changes in the earth’s crust several million years ago, their waters have nurtured many unique forms of life. Freshwater tectonic lakes so ancient in origin are extremely rare and their endemic biodiversity is of immense interest to scientists. Surviving to such a great age, the Prespa lakes and the life within them have endured many environmental challenges —none so threatening to their survival, however, as the ongoing impact of human activities. The ecosystem of the lakes continues to deteriorate on a daily basis, with complex negative effects on their biodiversity. This publication presents a brief overview of the current ecological status of the lakes and a detailed survey of the different species of fish found in Prespa.