International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

UNDP-CTI News Update

28 Jan 2011 | by IW:LEARN
For the first issue of CTI Currents: Quarterly Update of UNDP-GEF Projects in the Coral Triangle, read updates from three projects: West Pacific East Asia Oceanic Fisheries Management Project (WPEA OFMP); Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Programme (ATSEA); and the Sulu-Celebes Sea Sustainable Fisheries Management (SCS-SFM) Project.

This quarterly update provides progress and key results of the three UNDP-implemented projects to inform the CTI stakeholders and identify opportunities for synergy. We welcome contributions and feedback from all CTI stakeholders. For more information about the overall UNDP/GEF CTI projects, please contact Jose Erezo Padilla, UNDP Regional Technical Advisor at

UNDP is implementing three regional projects as part of the overall Global Environment Facility (GEF) support to the CTI and coordinates a fourth project CTI: LEARN that is being implemented by the Asian Development Bank. These projects support the CTI Regional Program of Action as well as the CTI National Programs of Action of the CT countries. In addition to the core GEF financial grant of over US$6.3 million, these projects are also supported by the countries, some bilateral and multilateral agencies, NGO partners and UNDP itself. The combined financing for the three projects is about US$ 17.4 million.