International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

Climate Variability and Change and Sea-level Rise in the Pacific Islands Region A Resource Book forPolicy and Decision Makers, Educators and other Stakeholders

AIMED AT: Policy and decision makers, educators and other stakeholders PURPOSE: The Resource Book is designed to be used widely as a tool for awareness- raising, being a summary of the latest knowledge about climate change as it relates to the Pacific Islands region. GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: Pacific Islands region TECHNICAL AREA: Climate variability and change BASIC STRUCTURE: The Resource Book comprises four main sections, reflecting the four principal dimensions of the climate issue- the changing climate, the observed and potential impacts, and the two broad categories of policy responses and actions, namely mitigation and adaptation. Climate and Sea- level Variability and change in the mentioned area suggest that it will continue to be dominated by the inter- annual variability, due to the enhanced greenhouse effect the Region will likely be warm. Consequences of Climate and Sea- level Variability and Change in the Pacific Island Countries may include extensive coastal erosion, droughts, coral bleaching, more widespread and frequent occurrence id mosquito- borne diseases, and higher sea levels. Mitigation, as a response to Climate and Sea- level Variability and Change, in Pacific Island Countries is normally best implemented through a collaborative partnership involving at least some of the key players: developed countries, government, the private sector, community- based organizations, investors, donors and the public at large. Adaptation is other response. It requires enhancement of institutional capacity, developing expertise and building knowledge. It also needs an external entity to facilitate the adaptation process.

01 Jan 2016


Climate Variability and Change and Sea-level Rise in the Pacific Islands Region A Resource Book forPolicy and Decision Makers, Educators and other Stakeholders.pdf

Manual document