International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

The document library includes a wide array of outputs from projects (reports, presentations, case studies, terms of reference) as well as other content of interest to GEF International waters. Project managers and GEF International Waters staff are invited to give their feedback or submit case studies, ToRs, or other documentation to be included in the document library (

Filter: Acidification
07 Sep 2017 - publication Restoring and Protecting the world's large marine ecosystems: An engine for job creation and sustainable economic development (2016)
Some of the most significant threats to the sustainability of the world's 66 Large Marine Ecosystems (LME) – invasive species, coastal hypoxia, overfishing, marine debris and ocean acidification – are due to a combination of market and/or policy f...
01 Jan 2016 - Link Google Earth Tour Illustrates How Our Oceans Are Acidifying
The process of ocean acidification can be a confusing one. Exactly how does the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere change the pH bal...
18 Aug 2015 - outreach-material - project: 3766 CReW's Lines, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2015
14 May 2015 - outreach-material - project: 3766 CReW's Lines, Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2015
This Issue features: World water day 2015, UNEP CEP, CReW and TNC—Pooling Knowledge and Experience to tackle Wastewater Management more resourcefully, Wastewater Management Policy, Examining Gender, Climate Change and Monitoring & Evaluatio...
07 Oct 2014 - tda - project: 3690 Dinaric Karst Aquifer System Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis
Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dinaric Karst Aquifer System
11 Aug 2014 - Link Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)
Gathering scientists from around the world in a study under the Arctic Council - the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) exami...
11 Aug 2014 - Link Arctic Ocean acidification
Film presenting the results of AMAPs 2013 assessment of Arctic Ocean acidification. A short 3 minute version of this film is also ...
11 Aug 2014 - publication Arctic ocean acidification assessment: summary for policymakers
AMAP Arctic Ocean Acidification Assessment: Summary for Policy-makers. This document presents the Executive Summary of the 2013 Arctic Ocean Acidification (AOA) Assessment. In this summary for policymakers, the term ‘Arctic Ocean’ refe...
11 Aug 2014 - report - project: 807 Acidifying Pollutants, Arctic Haze, and Acidification in the Arctic
The emissions of acidifying compounds, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), have increased since pre-industrial times as fuel combustion, population and industrial activity have increased worldwide. These pollutants occur in conside...
11 Aug 2014 - report - project: 807 Acidification and Arctic Haze
This chapter describes local as well as regional emissions of acidifying air contaminants, along with pathways and effects on the Arctic environment. It also explores the future impact on northern soils and waterways if the current emissions ar...
11 Aug 2014 - report - project: 807 Arctic Pollution 2006
The fourth AMAP State of the Arctic Environment Report, updating the 1997 AMAP assessment on Acidification and Arctic Haze. Information is presented in a clear and readable manner for the non-scientific audience; richly illustrated and prefaced by...
10 Jan 2014 - report - project: 2722 Working Group on Climate, Oceans, and Security Report
The oceans play a significant role in regulating the global climate and moderating weather systems around the world. Changes in climate can have a profound impact on the functioning of ocean, coastal and island ecosystems
25 Oct 2013 - Link Ocean acidification: Connecting science, industry, policy and public
Ocean acidification is a recently recognised phenomenon which results from the growing quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the E...
25 Oct 2013 - Link State of the Ocean: An Overview
The man being interviewed is Dr. Alex Rogers, Professor of Conservation Biology at the Department of Zoology, University of Oxford...
01 Mar 2010 - publication UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 117
GESAMP: Pollutant modification of atmospheric and oceanic processes and climate: some aspects of the problem




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