International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

2011 Results Notes - Moldova Agricultural Pollution Control Project (APCP)

1. Reduction in nutrient loads to local soil and water bodies in project area: Installation of manure management systems, including construction of manure platforms, adequate manure storage facilities and training in optimum application of manure as fertilizers as well as implementation of environmentally friendly agricultural practices such as shrub and tree planting led to a significant decrease in nutrient loads entering soil and water bodies from agricultural sources. 2. Increased awareness of environmental issues among agro-processors and farmers: A broad nation-wide public awareness program of project benefits led to a significant increase in the percentage of farmers recognizing the importance of mainstreaming environmental considerations in agriculture and implementing environmentally friendly agricultural practices. 3. Development of institutional and human capacity: Staff in relevant agencies/institutes such as the Soil Institute were trained in good agricultural practices as well as monitoring soil and water quality. Capacity building among agricultural advisors will ensure dissemination of project benefits for years to come and increased potential for large-scale replication of project activities.

1355: Moldova: Agricultural Pollution Control Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River and Black Sea

01 Jan 2016

2011 Results Notes - Moldova Agricultural Pollution Control Project (APCP).pdf