International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

FAO Training Manual for International Watercourses/River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises (2007) [6.2 MB]

The project which led to the development of this training manual grew out of discussions with Stefano Burchi, Director of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Legal Development Division at FAO in Rome, and his colleague Kerstin Mechlem at an FAO Nile Basin Initiative training session in Bujumbura, Burundi in the Spring of 2006. Those discussions centered around two observations. The first observation was regarding the paucity of accessible international training materials succinctly integrating negotiation skills with international water law training. The second observation was that there appeared to be a niche for a more “learner centered” training approach to international waters focusing on analysis of experience and encouraging attendees to become increasingly self directed and more responsible for their own learning. Under such an approach, first hand and vicarious experiences, dialogue among learners as well as between instructors and learners, and analysis and interpretation become the focus of instruction.

1094: Nile Transboundary Environmental Action Project, Phase I

10 Jan 2014


FAO Training Manual for International Watercourses/River Basins including Law, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Simulation Training Exercises (2007) [6.2 MB].pdf
