International Waters learning Exchange & Resource Network

UN Environment Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit (UNEP CAR/RCU); Caribbean Environment Programme

UN Environment established the Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) in 1981 as one of its Regional Seas Programmes in recognition of the importance and value of the Wider Caribbean Region’s fragile and vulnerable coastal and marine ecosystems including endemic plants and animals. Countries of the region then adopted an Action Plan (also in 1981) that led to the development and adoption of the Cartagena Convention on 24 March 1983. The Cartagena Convention promotes the protection and development of the marine environment of the Region and provides the legal framework for the CEP. It is supported by three technical agreements or protocols coordinated by dedicated regional activity centers for Oil Spills, Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife and Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution.


Laurent Granier Programme Officer
Christopher Corbin Programme Officer
Alessandra Vanzella-Khouri Programme Officer - SPAW
Donna Sue Spencer Communications Specialist
Alexander Cooman Project manager
Coral Fernandez Senior Sec. to the Coordinator